Edinburgh Waverley

A better, brighter station for Edinburgh

Waverley station opened in 1846 and was rebuilt between 1892 and 1902. It lies between the old town and modern Edinburgh, adjacent to Princes Street, Edinburgh Castle and the Princes Street Gardens.

In addition to playing a unique role in Scotland’s history, Waverley station is vital to the country’s economic success, by delivering capacity for new rail lines such as the Airdrie-Bathgate rail link and Borders Railway, and supporting the Edinburgh-Glasgow improvement programme and the Intercity Express programme.

In a £130m investment programme, Edinburgh Waverley station has been transformed to create an environment that meets passengers’ 21st century needs while preserving Waverley’s rich heritage.

Birds eye view of Edinburgh Waverley station

Maps of the station

Our interactive map will help you find your way around the station.

Alternatively, we have a PDF map below to help navigate your way around the station.

Station opening hours

  • Monday to Saturday: 04:00 – 00:45
  • Sunday: 06:00 – 00:45

Tickets and travel information

National Rail Enquiries
03457 48 49 50

Textphone: 0345 60 50 600
Welsh language line: 0345 60 40 500

Station enquiries

General station enquiries: 03457 11 41 41

Find your way around using the Edinburgh Waverley Station Map (PDF, 104 KB)

British Transport Police

There is no British Transport Police office in this station.

For assistance, call 0800 40 50 40 (24 hours), text 61016, or speak to any member of station staff. In an emergency call 999.

British Transport Police in our stations

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